Buitenlands Corr. lid                  07.10.2017


  • Postal history of Geneva and Switzerland (19th century)

Filatelistiche onderscheidingen

  • Lee Medal of the Royal Philatelic Society London
  • Medal of Honour of the Kimmel Foundation for Postal History
  • Award of Merit of the Collectors Club New York


Geneva from the Cantonal to the Federal Post 1839-1862:

  • FIP Grand Prix International PHILAKOREA 2014
  • FIP GPH Candidate Championship BRASILIA 2017, ISRAEL 2018, THAILAND 2018 and CHINA 2019
  • FEPA Grand Prix Championship FINLANDIA 2017
  • GP National Candidate NABA Lugano 2018
  • Golden Posthorn Sindelfingen 2010

Swiss Postal Services Development 1862-1900:

  • FIP GPI Candidate BRASILIA 2017
  • Qualification for Championship Class


Various articles on Swiss postal history – including the advent of the Swiss Franc and the birth of the Red Cross – in the main national and international philatelic publications.

Catalogue of the Postmarks and Cancellations on mail to and from Geneva 1839-1907 to be published in a near future.

Lidmaatschap buitenlandse filatelistische verenigingen

  • AEP
  • Club de Monte Carlo
  • AIJP
  • Collectors Club New York
  • Academie de Philatelie (France), corresp. member
  • Russian National Academy of Philately, honorary member
  • Grand Prix Club

Filatelistische functies

  • President of the AEP (European Academy of Philately)
  • President of the Consilium Philateliae Helveticae (Swiss Academy)
  • Secretary General of the Club de Monte Carlo
  • Vice President of the Cercle d’Etude Philatelique du Leman (Switzerland)